premiered in Paris, November 2021, as part of an invitation-only event at the Hotel de Coulanges, ‘le 3537’, with the support of Dover Street Market / Comme des Garçons.
The installation was then featured at the inaugural FOR_MAT Festival, Bentonville Arkansas, September 2022. Presented on a monumental scale in a black monolithic pavilion situated on the festival landscape, alongside major experiential works by international artists such as Doug Aitken, Nick Cave, Studio DRIFT and Jacolby Satterwhite. is available to tour to music festivals, museums, biennales and as a placemaker in urban or rural settings for new forms of public gathering and also exists as an installation artwork in an edition of 5+1, several of which are now in major private collections. It can be installed in a permanent, bespoke, site-specific pavilion or collected as software and installed for time-specific periods in galleries or homes at relative scales.
For further information about music festival touring, please contact:
Jim Martin- Founder - XXVII Arts:
For further information about edition sales
or museum/biennale exhibitions, please contact:
Martine d’Anglejan-Chatillon – founder MDAC Productions: